U.S. Code of Federal Regulations

Regulations most recently checked for updates: Feb 16, 2025

§ 641.700 - What performance measures apply to Senior Community Service Employment Program grantees?

(a) Measures of performance. There are seven core performance measures. Core measures (defined in § 641.710) are subject to goal-setting and corrective action (described in § 641.720); that is, performance level goals for each core measure must be agreed upon between the Department and each grantee as described in § 641.720, and if a grantee fails to meet the performance level goals for the core measures, that grantee is subject to corrective action.

(b) Core measures. Section 513(b)(1) of the OAA establishes the following core measures of performance:

(1) Hours (in the aggregate) of community service employment;

(2) The percentage of project participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the project;

(3) The percentage of project participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit from the project;

(4) The median earnings of project participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the project;

(5) Indicators of effectiveness in serving employers, host agencies, and project participants;

(6) The number of eligible individuals served; and

(7) The number of most-in-need individuals served (the number of participating individuals described in OAA sec. 518(a)(3)(B)(ii) or (b)(2)).

(c) Affected entities. The core measures of performance are applicable to each grantee without regard to whether such grantee operates the program directly or through sub-contracts, sub-grants, or agreements with other entities. Grantees must assure that their sub-grantees and lower-tier sub-grantees are collecting and reporting program data.

(d) Required evaluation and reporting. An agreement to be evaluated on the core measures of performance is a requirement for application for, and is a condition of, all SCSEP grants.

§ 641.710 - How are the performance measures defined?

The core measures are defined as follows:

(a) “Hours of community service employment” is defined as the total number of hours of community service provided by SCSEP participants divided by the number of hours of community service funded by the grantee's grant, after adjusting for differences in minimum wage among the States and areas. Paid training hours are excluded from this measure.

(b) “The percentage of project participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the project” is defined by the formula: The number of participants who exited during the reporting period who are employed in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after the exit quarter divided by the number of participants who exited during the reporting period multiplied by 100.

(c) “The percentage of project participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit from the project” is defined by the formula: The number of participants who exited during the reporting period who are employed in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after the exit quarter divided by the number of participants who exited during the reporting period multiplied by 100.

(d) “The median earnings of project participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the project” is defined by the formula: For all participants who exited and are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after the exit quarter: The wage that is at the midpoint (of all the wages) between the highest and lowest wage earned in the second quarter after the exit quarter.

(e) “Indicators of effectiveness in serving employers, host agencies, and project participants” is defined as the combined results of customer assessments of the services received by each of these three customer groups.

(f) “The number of eligible individuals served” is defined as the total number of participants served divided by a grantee's authorized number of positions, after adjusting for differences in minimum wage among the States and areas.

(g) “Most-in-need” or the number of participating individuals described in OAA sec. 518(a)(3)(B)(ii) or (b)(2) is defined by counting the total number of the following characteristics for all participants and dividing by the number of participants served. Participants are characterized as most-in-need if they:

(1) Have a severe disability;

(2) Are frail;

(3) Are age 75 or older;

(4) Meet the eligibility requirements related to age for, but do not receive, benefits under title II of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401 et seq.);

(5) Live in an area with persistent unemployment and are individuals with severely limited employment prospects;

(6) Have limited English proficiency;

(7) Have low literacy skills;

(8) Have a disability;

(9) Reside in a rural area;

(10) Are veterans;

(11) Have low employment prospects;

(12) Have failed to find employment after utilizing services provided under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act;

(13) Are homeless or at risk for homelessness; or

(14) Are formerly incarcerated individuals as defined in § 641.140.

[75 FR 53812, Sept. 1, 2010, as amended at 87 FR 8190, Feb. 14, 2022]

§ 641.720 - How will the Department and grantees initially determine and then adjust expected levels of the core performance measures?

(a) First 2 years. Before the beginning of the first program year of the grant, each grantee must reach agreement with the Department on levels of performance for each measure listed in § 641.700 for each of the first 2 program years covered by the grant agreement. In reaching the agreement, the grantee and the Department must take into account the expected levels of performance proposed by the grantee and the factors described in paragraph (c) of this section.

The levels agreed to will be considered the expected levels of performance for the grantee for such program years. Funds may not be awarded under the grant until such agreement is reached. At the conclusion of negotiations concerning the performance levels with all grantees, the Department will make available for public review the final negotiated expected levels of performance for each grantee, including any comments submitted by the grantee regarding the grantee's satisfaction with the negotiated levels.

(b) Third and fourth year. Each grantee must reach agreement with the Department prior to the third program year covered by the grant agreement, on levels of performance for each measure listed in § 641.700, for each of the third and fourth program years so covered. In reaching the agreement, the grantee and the Department must take into account the expected levels of performance proposed by the grantee and the factors described in paragraph (c) of this section. The levels agreed to will be considered to be the expected levels of performance for the grantee for such program years. Funds may not be awarded under the grant until such agreement is reached. At the conclusion of negotiations concerning the performance levels with all grantees, the Department will make available for public review the final negotiated expected levels of performance for each grantee, including any comments submitted by the grantee regarding the grantee's satisfaction with the negotiated levels.

(c) Factors. In reaching the agreements described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, each grantee and the Department must:

(1) Take into account how the levels involved compare with the expected levels of performance established for other grantees;

(2) Ensure that the levels involved are adjusted, using an objective statistical model based on the model established by the Secretary of Labor with the Secretary of Education in accordance with sec. 116(b)(3)(A)(viii) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3141(b)(3)(A)(viii)); and

(3) Take into account the extent to which the levels involved promote continuous improvement in performance accountability on the core measures and ensure optimal return on the investment of Federal funds.

(d) Adjustments based on economic conditions and individuals served during the program year. The Department will, in accordance with the objective statistical model developed pursuant to paragraph (c)(2) of this section, adjust the expected levels of performance for a program year for grantees to reflect the actual economic conditions and characteristics of participants in the corresponding projects during such program year.

§ 641.730 - How will the Department assist grantees in the transition to the new core performance measures?

As soon as practicable after January 2, 2018, the Department will determine if a SCSEP grantee's performance under the measures in effect prior to January 2, 2018 would have met the expected levels of performance for the Program Year 2018. If the Department determines that the grantee would have failed to meet the Program Year 2018 expected levels of performance, the Department will provide technical assistance to help the grantee to transition to eventually meet the expected levels of performance under the measures in § 641.700.

§ 641.740 - How will the Department determine whether a grantee fails, meets, or exceeds the expected levels of performance and what will be the consequences of failing to meet expected levels of performance?

(a) Aggregate calculation of performance. Not later than 120 days after the end of each program year, the Department will determine if a grantee has met the expected levels of performance including any adjustments to such levels made in accordance with § 641.720(d) by aggregating the grantee's core measures. The aggregate is calculated by combining the percentage of goal achieved on each of the individual core measures to obtain an average score. A grantee will fail to meet its performance measures when it is does not meet 80 percent of the agreed-upon level of performance for the aggregate of all the core measures. Performance in the range of 80 to 100 percent constitutes meeting the level for the core performance measures. Performance in excess of 100 percent constitutes exceeding the level for the core performance measures.

(b) Consequences—(1) National grantees. (i) If the Department determines that a national grantee fails to meet the expected levels of performance in a program year, as described in paragraph (a) of this section, the Department, after each year of such failure, will provide technical assistance and will require such grantee to submit a corrective action plan not later than 160 days after the end of the program year.

(ii) The corrective action plan must detail the steps the grantee will take to meet the expected levels of performance in the next program year.

(iii) Any national grantee that has failed to meet the expected levels of performance for 4 consecutive years will not be allowed to compete in the subsequent grant competition, but may compete in the next grant competition after that subsequent competition.

(2) State grantees. (i) If the Department determines that a State fails to meet the expected levels of performance, as described in paragraph (a) of this section, the Department, after each year of such failure, will provide technical assistance and will require the State to submit a corrective action plan not later than 160 days after the end of the program year.

(ii) The corrective action plan must detail the steps the State will take to meet the expected levels of performance in the next program year.

(iii) If the Department determines that the State fails to meet the expected levels of performance for 3 consecutive program years the Department will require the State to conduct a competition to award the funds allotted to the State under sec. 506(e) of the OAA for the first full program year following the Department's determination. The new grantee will be responsible for administering the SCSEP in the State and will be subject to the same requirements and responsibilities as had been the State grantee.

(c) Evaluation. The Department will annually evaluate, publish and make available for public review, information on the actual performance of each grantee with respect to the levels achieved for each of the core measures of performance, compared to the expected levels of performance established under § 641.720 (including any adjustments to such levels made in accordance with § 641.720(d)). The results of the Department's annual evaluation will be reported to Congress.

§ 641.750 - Will there be performance-related incentives?

The Department is authorized by OAA secs. 502(e)(2)(B)(iv) and 517(c)(1) to use recaptured SCSEP funds to provide incentive awards. The Department will exercise this authority at its discretion.