U.S. Code of Federal Regulations

Regulations most recently checked for updates: Feb 19, 2025

§ 15.209 - What claims are not allowed?

(a) Unassigned residences in United States. Property loss or damage in quarters occupied by the claimant within the 50 States or the District of Columbia that were not assigned to him or otherwise provided in kind by the United States or part of an approved Telework agreement.

(b) Business property. Property used for business or profit.

(c) Unserviceable property. Wornout or unserviceable property.

(d) Illegal possession. Property acquired, possessed or transferred in violation of the law or in violation of applicable regulations or directives.

(e) Articles of extraordinary value. Valuable articles, such as watches, jewelry, furs, clothes, electronics or other articles of extraordinary value. This prohibition does not apply to articles in the personal custody of the claimant or articles properly checked, if the claimant has taken reasonable protection or security measures.

(f) Intangible property. Loss of property that has no extrinsic and marketable value but is merely representative or evidence of value (such as a non-negotiable stock certificate or warehouse receipt) is not compensable. Intangible value is not compensable.

(g) Incidental expenses and consequential damages. The MPCECA and this subpart authorize payment for loss of or damage to personal property only. Except as provided in § 15.207(f), consequential damages or other types of loss or incidental expenses (such as loss of use, interest, carrying charges, cost of lodging or food while awaiting arrival of shipment, attorney fees, telephone calls, cost of transporting claimant or family members, inconvenience, time spent in preparation of claim, or cost of insurance premiums) are not compensable.

(h) Real property. Damage to real property is not compensable. In determining whether an item is considered to be an item of personal property, as opposed to real property, normally, any movable item is considered personal property even if physically joined to the land.

(i) Commercial property. Articles acquired or held for sale or disposition by other commercial transactions on more than an occasional basis, or for use in a private profession or business enterprise.

(j) Commercial storage. Property stored at a commercial facility for the convenience of the claimant and at his or her expense.

(k) Minimum amount. Loss or damage amounting to less than $40.