U.S. Code of Federal Regulations

Regulations most recently checked for updates: Feb 06, 2025

§ 1412.35 - Submitting production evidence.

(a) When required by FSA as specified in this part, documentary evidence supporting any certification of yield or production must be provided to the county committee of the county where the farm is administratively located.

(b) Documentary evidence acceptable to FSA includes, but is not limited to:

(1) Production approved by the county committee for some other FSA program purpose;

(2) Commercial receipts;

(3) Settlement sheets;

(4) Warehouse ledger sheets;

(5) Elevator receipts or load summaries, supported by other evidence showing disposition, such as sales documents;

(6) Evidence from harvested or appraised acreage, approved for FCIC or multi-peril crop insurance; or

(7) Other production evidence determined acceptable by the Deputy Administrator.

(c) Production evidence specified in paragraph (b) of this section must show:

(1) The producer's name,

(2) The commodity,

(3) The buyer or name of storage facility,

(4) The date of transaction or delivery, and

(5) The quantity.

(d) FSA may verify the production evidence submitted with records on file at the warehouse, Risk Management Agency, or other entity that received or may have received the reported production.

[79 FR 57716, Sept. 26, 2014. Redesignated at 83 FR 40658, Aug. 16, 2018]