U.S. Code of Federal Regulations
Regulations most recently checked for updates: Feb 16, 2025
Terms set forth in this part, on the USDA Web site (including in program announcements and notices to participants), and in any CCC-originated documents pertaining to the FGP will have the following meanings:
Affiliate. Entities are affiliates of each other if, directly or indirectly, either one controls or has the power to control the other, or a third person controls or has the power to control both. Control may include, but is not limited to: Interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members; shared facilities and equipment; or common use of employees.
Assignee. A U.S. financial institution that has obtained the legal right to make a claim and receive the payment of proceeds under the payment guarantee.
Business day. A day during which employees of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the Washington, DC metropolitan area are on official duty during normal business hours.
Buyer. A foreign purchaser that enters into a firm sales contract with a seller for the sale of goods to be shipped to the destination country and/or U.S. services to be provided in the destination country.
Buyer's representative. An entity having a physical office that is either organized under the laws of or registered to do business in the destination country specified in the payment guarantee and that is authorized to act on the buyer's behalf with respect to the sale described in the firm sales contract.
CCC. The Commodity Credit Corporation, an agency and instrumentality of the United States within the Department of Agriculture, authorized pursuant to the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act (15 U.S.C. 714 et seq.).
CCC late interest. Interest payable by CCC pursuant to § 1493.370(c).
Contractual event. A specific deliverable (activity or milestone) measured by objective or quantifiable methods within the firm sales contract which, when met by the seller, results in an obligation to make payment in accordance with the agreed contractual terms without recourse, and triggers the start of coverage under the payment guarantee. Such events may include, but are not limited to, exports of goods, completion of services, or commissioning date of equipment or a facility.
Cost of services. The price for services as stipulated in the firm sales contract.
Coverage waiver. A determination by CCC, upon request of the seller, to allow guarantee coverage of non-U.S. goods and/or to waive the U.S. content test in § 1493.290(e).
Date of performance. The date that a contractual event occurs in accordance with the firm sales contract. The date of performance may be, but is not limited to, an installation date, the date of completion of the service, the commissioning date of equipment or a facility, or the date of export of goods (one of the following dates, depending upon the method of shipment: The on-board date of an ocean bill of lading or the on-board ocean carrier date of an intermodal bill of lading; the on-board date of an airway bill; or, if exported by rail or truck, the date of entry shown on an entry certificate or similar document issued and signed by an official of the government of the importing country).
Date of sale. The earliest date on which a firm sales contract exists between the seller and the buyer.
Destination country. The emerging market (location) of the agricultural-related facility that will use the goods and/or services covered by the payment guarantee. If the payment guarantee covers goods not intended for a specific facility, then the country where the goods will be delivered and utilized.
Director. The Director, Credit Programs Division, Office of Trade Programs, Foreign Agricultural Service, or designee.
Discounts and allowances. Any consideration provided directly or indirectly, by or on behalf of the seller, to the buyer in connection with a sale of a good or service, above and beyond its value. Discounts and allowances include, but are not limited to, the provision of additional goods, services or benefits; the promise to provide additional goods, services or benefits in the future; financial rebates; the assumption of any financial or contractual obligations; commissions where the buyer requires the seller to employ and compensate a specified agent as a condition of concluding the sale; the whole or partial release of the buyer from any financial or contractual obligations; or settlements made in favor of the buyer for quality or weight.
Eligible export sale. A transaction in which the obligation of payment for the portion registered under the FGP arises solely and exclusively from a foreign financial institution letter of credit or terms and conditions document issued in connection with a payment guarantee.
Eligible imported components. Imported components in U.S. goods that are eligible for coverage because either:
(1) The transaction meets the U.S. content test in § 1493.290(e); or
(2) A coverage waiver of the U.S. content test has been requested by the seller and approved by CCC.
Eligible non-U.S. goods. Goods, including local costs, that are not U.S. goods but for which a coverage waiver has been requested by the seller and approved by CCC.
Eligible interest. The amount of interest that CCC agrees to pay the holder of the payment guarantee in the event that CCC pays a claim for default of ordinary interest. Eligible interest shall be the lesser of:
(1) The amount calculated using the interest rate agreed by the holder of the payment guarantee and the foreign financial institution; or
(2) The amount calculated using the specified percentage of the Treasury bill investment rate set forth on the face of the payment guarantee.
Emerging market. Any country that CCC determines:
(1) Is taking steps toward a market-oriented economy through the food, agriculture, or rural business sectors of the economy of the country; and
(2) has the potential to provide a viable and significant market for U.S. agricultural commodities or products.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). A report that identifies the environmental and social risks and impacts of a project/transaction and proposed measures to avoid, minimize, mitigate and/or offset adverse environmental and social impacts. The report must address the items set out in the most recent Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's “Recommendation of the Council on Common Approaches for Officially Supported Export Credits and Environmental and Social Due Diligence.”
Firm sales contract. The written sales contract entered into between the seller and the buyer which sets forth the terms and conditions of an eligible export sale from the seller to the buyer. Written evidence of a sale may be in the form of a signed sales contract, a written offer and acceptance between parties, or other documentary evidence of sale. The firm sales contract between the seller and the buyer may be conditioned upon CCC's approval of the seller's application for a payment guarantee. The written evidence of sale for the purposes of the FGP must, at a minimum, document the following information:
(1) Date of sale;
(2) A complete description of all goods associated with the transaction. For goods to be covered by the payment guarantee, include the brand name and model number, country where the good was manufactured and country from which the good will be exported (if applicable), quantity, value, and Incoterms (if applicable);
(3) A complete description of all services associated with the transaction. For services to be covered by the payment guarantee, include the supplier and cost;
(4) The date of performance of each contractual event; and
(5) Evidence of agreement between buyer and seller.
Foreign financial institution. A financial institution (including foreign branches of U.S. financial institutions):
(1) Organized and licensed under the laws of a jurisdiction outside the United States;
(2) Not domiciled in the United States; and
(3) Subject to the banking or other financial regulatory authority of a foreign jurisdiction (except for multilateral and sovereign institutions).
Foreign financial institution letter of credit or letter of credit. An irrevocable documentary letter of credit, subject to the current revision of the Uniform Customs and Practices (UCP) for Documentary Credits (International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600, or latest revision), and if electronic documents are to be utilized, the current revision of the Supplement to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits for Electronic Presentation (eUCP), providing for payment in U.S. dollars against stipulated documents and issued in favor of the seller by a CCC-approved foreign financial institution.
GSM. The General Sales Manager, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), USDA, acting in his or her capacity as Vice President, CCC, or designee.
Guaranteed value. The maximum amount indicated on the face of the payment guarantee, exclusive of interest, that CCC agrees to pay the holder of the payment guarantee. The guaranteed value is calculated by deducting the initial payment and any discounts and allowances from the net contract value and adding to that result the value of local costs that CCC has approved for coverage. The resulting figure is then multiplied by the guaranteed percentage (up to the maximum percentage allowable for that country).
Holder of the payment guarantee. The seller or the assignee of the payment guarantee with the legal right to make a claim and receive the payment of proceeds from CCC under the payment guarantee in case of default by the foreign financial institution.
Incoterms. Trade terms developed by the International Chamber of Commerce in Incoterms 2010 (or latest revision), which define the respective obligations of the buyer and the seller in a sales contract.
Initial payment. The minimum amount that the buyer is required to pay the seller prior to CCC's approval of the payment guarantee, expressed as a percentage (specified on the USDA Web site) of the net contract value.
Letter of interest. Information that the seller may provide to CCC prior to applying for a payment guarantee to obtain feedback on the potential eligibility of a transaction. Information to be submitted in a letter of interest is set out on the USDA Web site.
Local costs. Expenditures for goods in the destination country that are included in the firm sales contract.
Net contract value. The aggregate value of goods and cost of services (exclusive of local costs) that are eligible for guarantee coverage and for which coverage is requested.
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.
Ordinary interest. Interest (other than post default interest) charged on the principal amount identified in the foreign financial institution letter of credit or, if applicable, the terms and conditions document.
Payment guarantee. An agreement under which CCC, in consideration of a fee paid, and in reliance upon the statements and declarations of the seller, subject to the terms set forth in the written guarantee, this subpart, and any applicable program announcements, agrees to pay the holder of the payment guarantee in the event of a default by a foreign financial institution on its repayment obligation under the foreign financial institution letter of credit issued in connection with a guaranteed sale or, if applicable, under the terms and conditions document.
Post default interest. Interest charged on amounts in default that begins to accrue upon default of payment, as specified in the foreign financial institution letter of credit or, if applicable, in the terms and conditions document.
Preliminary environmental and social screening document or Screening document. A document in which the seller provides basic information about a transaction to allow CCC to determine whether the transaction may entail potentially adverse environmental and/or social impacts. The screening document is available on the USDA Web site.
Principal. A principal of a corporation or other legal entity is an individual serving as an officer, director, owner, partner, or other individual with management or supervisory responsibilities for such corporation or legal entity.
Program announcement. An announcement issued by CCC on the USDA Web site that provides information on policies, procedures, specific country programs and other information relevant to the operation of the FGP.
Repayment obligation. A contractual commitment by the foreign financial institution issuing the letter of credit in connection with an eligible export sale to make payment(s) on principal amount(s), plus any ordinary interest and post default interest, in U.S. dollars, to a seller or U.S. financial institution on deferred payment terms consistent with those permitted under CCC's payment guarantee. The repayment obligation must be documented using one of the methods specified in § 1493.280.
Repurchase agreement. A written agreement under which the holder of the payment guarantee may from time to time enter into transactions in which the holder of the payment guarantee agrees to sell to another party foreign financial institution Letter(s) of Credit and, if applicable, terms and conditions document(s) secured by the payment guarantee, and repurchase the same foreign financial institution Letter(s) of Credit and terms and conditions documents secured by the payment guarantee, on demand or date certain at an agreed upon price.
SAM (System for Award Management). A Federal Government owned and operated free Web site that contains information on parties excluded from receiving Federal contracts or certain subcontracts and excluded from certain types of Federal financial and nonfinancial assistance and benefits.
Seller. A supplier of goods and/or services that is both qualified in accordance with the provisions of § 1493.220 and the applicant for the payment guarantee.
Service. Any business activity classified in any of the 13 NAICS services sectors (NAICS chapters 22 and 48-49 through 81). For the shipment of goods, freight and insurance costs to the port of entry that are included in the price of the goods (in accordance with the specified Incoterms) are not considered services under this subpart.
Terms and conditions document. A document specifically identified and referred to in the foreign financial institution letter of credit which may contain the repayment obligation and the special requirements specified in § 1493.280.
Total FGP transaction value. The aggregate value of goods and cost of services (including local costs) to be covered by the payment guarantee. It is the net contract value plus eligible local costs, less the initial payment and less any discounts and allowances.
United States or U.S. Each of the States of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the territories and possessions of the United States.
U.S. agricultural commodity or U.S. agricultural commodities.
(1) (i) An agricultural commodity or product entirely produced in the United States; or
(ii) A product of an agricultural commodity—
(A) 90 percent or more of the agricultural components of which by weight, excluding packaging and added water, is entirely produced in the United States; and
(B) That the Secretary determines to be a high value agricultural product.
(2) For purposes of this definition, fish entirely produced in the United States include fish harvested by a documented fishing vessel as defined in title 46, United States Code, in waters that are not waters (including the territorial sea) of a foreign country.
U.S. content test. A determination of the total value of eligible non-U.S. goods and value of imported components as a percentage of the sum of the net contract value and the value of approved local costs as specified in § 1493.290(e).
USDA. United States Department of Agriculture.
U.S. financial institution. A financial institution (including branches of foreign financial institutions):
(1) Organized and licensed under the laws of a jurisdiction within the United States;
(2) Domiciled in the United States; and
(3) Subject to the banking or other financial regulatory authority jurisdiction within the United States.
U.S. goods. Goods that are assembled, processed or manufactured in, and exported from, the United States, including goods which contain imported raw materials or imported components. Minor or cosmetic procedures (e.g., affixing labels, cleaning, painting, polishing) do not qualify as assembling, processing or manufacturing.
U.S. person. One of the following:
(1) An individual who is a citizen or legal resident of the United States; or
(2) An entity constituted or organized in the United States, including any corporation, trust partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture, or other association with business activities in the United States.
U.S. services. Services performed by U.S. persons, including those temporarily residing outside the United States. Costs for hotels, meals, transportation, and other similar services incurred in the destination country are not U.S. services.
Value of components (also value of U.S. components, value of imported components). The price derived for components in goods, determined by:
(1) The price stipulated in the firm sales contract or, if such price is not available;
(2) The declared customs value or, if the customs value is not available; then
(3) The fair market wholesale value in the United States.
Value of goods (also value of U.S. goods, value of non-U.S. goods, or value of Eligible non-U.S. goods). The price derived for goods, determined by:
(1) The price stipulated in the firm sales contract or, if such price is not available;
(2) The declared customs value or, if the customs value is not available; then
(3) The fair market wholesale value in the United States.