United States Code
USC most recently checked for updates: Feb 06, 2025
Any projection of activity in the industry or industries covered by the plan, including future covered employment and contribution levels, shall be based on information provided by the plan sponsor, which shall act reasonably and in good faith.
Clauses (i) and (ii) (other than the 2nd sentence of clause (i)) may be disregarded by a plan actuary in the case of any certification of whether a plan will be in critical status in a succeeding plan year, except that a plan sponsor may not elect to be in critical status for a plan year under paragraph (4) in any case in which the certification upon which such election would be based is made without regard to such clauses.
Any failure of the plan’s actuary to certify the plan’s status under this subsection by the date specified in subparagraph (A) shall be treated for purposes of section 1132(c)(2) of this title as a failure or refusal by the plan administrator to file the annual report required to be filed with the Secretary under section 1021(b)(1) of this title.
In any case in which it is certified under subparagraph (A) that a multiemployer plan is or will be in endangered or critical status for a plan year or in which a plan sponsor elects to be in critical status for a plan year under paragraph (4), the plan sponsor shall, not later than 30 days after the date of the certification, provide notification of the endangered or critical status to the participants and beneficiaries, the bargaining parties, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, and the Secretary. In any case in which a plan sponsor elects to be in critical status for a plan year under paragraph (4), the plan sponsor shall notify the Secretary of the Treasury of such election not later than 30 days after the date of such certification or such other time as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe by regulations or other guidance.
The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary 3
In any case in which it is certified under subparagraph (A)(i) that a multiemployer plan will be in critical status for any of 5 succeeding plan years (but not for the current plan year) and the plan sponsor of such plan has not made an election to be in critical status for the plan year under paragraph (4), the plan sponsor shall, not later than 30 days after the date of the certification, provide notification of the projected critical status to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
For purposes of this section, a plan in critical status shall be treated as in critical and declining status if the plan is described in one or more of subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), and (D) of paragraph (2) and the plan is projected to become insolvent within the meaning of section 1426 of this title during the current plan year or any of the 14 succeeding plan years (19 succeeding plan years if the plan has a ratio of inactive participants to active participants that exceeds 2 to 1 or if the funded percentage of the plan is less than 80 percent).
Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a plan year if such year is in a funding plan adoption period or funding improvement period by reason of the plan being in endangered status for a preceding plan year. For purposes of this section, such preceding plan year shall be the initial determination year with respect to the funding improvement plan to which it relates.
No accumulated funding deficiency for the last plan year during the funding improvement period (taking into account any extension of amortization periods under section 1084(d) of this title).
In the case of a plan in seriously endangered status, except as provided in paragraph (5), subparagraph (A)(i)(II) shall be applied by substituting “20 percent” for “33 percent”.
In the case of a plan in seriously endangered status, except as provided in paragraph (5), subparagraph (A) shall be applied by substituting “15-year period” for “10-year period”.
If the plan’s actuary certifies under subsection (b)(3)(A) for a plan year in any funding plan adoption period or funding improvement period that the plan is no longer in endangered status and is not in critical status, the funding plan adoption period or funding improvement period, whichever is applicable, shall end as of the close of the preceding plan year.
If the plan’s actuary certifies under subsection (b)(3)(A) for a plan year in any funding plan adoption period or funding improvement period that the plan is in critical status, the funding plan adoption period or funding improvement period, whichever is applicable, shall end as of the close of the plan year preceding the first plan year in the rehabilitation period with respect to such status.
If the plan’s actuary certifies under subsection (b)(3)(A) for the first plan year following the close of the period described in subparagraph (A) that the plan is in endangered status, the provisions of this subsection and subsection (d) shall be applied as if such first plan year were an initial determination year, except that the plan may not be amended in a manner inconsistent with the funding improvement plan in effect for the preceding plan year until a new funding improvement plan is adopted.
Notwithstanding subparagraph (A)(ii), if, for any plan year ending after the date described in subparagraph (A)(ii), the plan actuary certifies (at the time of the annual certification under subsection (b)(3)(A) for such plan year) that, based on the terms of the plan and collective bargaining agreements in effect at the time of that annual certification, the plan is not projected to be able to meet the requirements of paragraph (3)(A) (without regard to paragraphs (3)(B) and (4)(B)), paragraphs (3)(B) and (4)(B) shall continue to apply for such year.
The plan sponsor shall annually update the funding improvement plan and shall file the update with the plan’s annual report under section 1024 of this title.
The plan sponsor shall annually update any schedule of contribution rates provided under this subsection to reflect the experience of the plan.
A schedule of contribution rates provided by the plan sponsor and relied upon by bargaining parties in negotiating a collective bargaining agreement shall remain in effect for the duration of that collective bargaining agreement.
The date specified in this subparagraph is the date which is 180 days after the date on which the collective bargaining agreement described in subparagraph (A) or (B) expires.
Any failure to make a contribution under a schedule of contribution rates provided under this paragraph shall be treated as a delinquent contribution under section 1145 of this title and shall be enforceable as such.
For purposes of this section, the term “funding plan adoption period” means the period beginning on the date of the certification under subsection (b)(3)(A) for the initial determination year and ending on the day before the first day of the funding improvement period.
A plan may not be amended after the date of the adoption of a funding improvement plan under subsection (c) so as to be inconsistent with the funding improvement plan.
A plan may not be amended after the date of the adoption of a funding improvement plan under subsection (c) so as to increase benefits, including future benefit accruals, unless the plan actuary certifies that such increase is paid for out of additional contributions not contemplated by the funding improvement plan, and, after taking into account the benefit increase, the multiemployer plan still is reasonably expected to meet the applicable benchmark on the schedule contemplated in the funding improvement plan.
Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a plan year if such year is in a rehabilitation plan adoption period or rehabilitation period by reason of the plan being in critical status for a preceding plan year. For purposes of this section, such preceding plan year shall be the initial critical year with respect to the rehabilitation plan to which it relates.
The plan sponsor shall annually update the rehabilitation plan and shall file the update with the plan’s annual report under section 1024 of this title.
The plan sponsor shall annually update any schedule of contribution rates provided under this subsection to reflect the experience of the plan.
A schedule of contribution rates provided by the plan sponsor and relied upon by bargaining parties in negotiating a collective bargaining agreement shall remain in effect for the duration of that collective bargaining agreement.
The date specified in this subparagraph 5
Any failure to make a contribution under a schedule of contribution rates provided under this subsection shall be treated as a delinquent contribution under section 1145 of this title and shall be enforceable as such.
For purposes of this section, the term “rehabilitation plan adoption period” means the period beginning on the date of the certification under subsection (b)(3)(A) for the initial critical year and ending on the day before the first day of the rehabilitation period.
Each employer otherwise obligated to make contributions for the initial critical year shall be obligated to pay to the plan for such year a surcharge equal to 5 percent of the contributions otherwise required under the applicable collective bargaining agreement (or other agreement pursuant to which the employer contributes). For each succeeding plan year in which the plan is in critical status for a consecutive period of years beginning with the initial critical year, the surcharge shall be 10 percent of the contributions otherwise so required.
The surcharges under subparagraph (A) shall be due and payable on the same schedule as the contributions on which the surcharges are based. Any failure to make a surcharge payment shall be treated as a delinquent contribution under section 1145 of this title and shall be enforceable as such.
The surcharge under this paragraph shall cease to be effective with respect to employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement (or other agreement pursuant to which the employer contributes), beginning on the effective date of a collective bargaining agreement (or other such agreement) that includes terms consistent with a schedule presented by the plan sponsor under paragraph (1)(B)(i), as modified under subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3).
The surcharge under this paragraph shall not apply to an employer until 30 days after the employer has been notified by the plan sponsor that the plan is in critical status and that the surcharge is in effect.
Notwithstanding any provision of a plan to the contrary, the amount of any surcharge under this paragraph shall not be the basis for any benefit accrual under the plan.
Notwithstanding section 1054(g) of this title, the plan sponsor shall, subject to the notice requirements in subparagraph (C), make any reductions to adjustable benefits which the plan sponsor deems appropriate, based upon the outcome of collective bargaining over the schedule or schedules provided under paragraph (1)(B)(i).
Except in the case of adjustable benefits described in clause (iv)(III), the plan sponsor of a plan in critical status shall not reduce adjustable benefits of any participant or beneficiary whose benefit commencement date is before the date on which the plan provides notice to the participant or beneficiary under subsection (b)(3)(D) for the initial critical year.
The plan sponsor shall include in the schedules provided to the bargaining parties an allowance for funding the benefits of participants with respect to whom contributions are not currently required to be made, and shall reduce their benefits to the extent permitted under this subchapter and considered appropriate by the plan sponsor based on the plan’s then current overall funding status.
Except as provided in subparagraph (A)(iv)(III), nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to permit a plan to reduce the level of a participant’s accrued benefit payable at normal retirement age.
Notwithstanding section 1054(g) of this title and subject to subparagraphs (B) through (I), the plan sponsor of a plan in critical and declining status may, by plan amendment, suspend benefits which the sponsor deems appropriate.
For purposes of this subsection, the term “suspension of benefits” means the temporary or permanent reduction of any current or future payment obligation of the plan to any participant or beneficiary under the plan, whether or not in pay status at the time of the suspension of benefits.
Any suspension of benefits made under subparagraph (A) shall remain in effect until the earlier of when the plan sponsor provides benefit improvements in accordance with subparagraph (E) or the suspension of benefits expires by its own terms.
The plan shall not be liable for any benefit payments not made as a result of a suspension of benefits under this paragraph.
For purposes of this paragraph, all references to suspensions of benefits, increases in benefits, or resumptions of suspended benefits with respect to participants shall also apply with respect to benefits of beneficiaries or alternative payees of participants.
In the case of a plan with 10,000 or more participants, not later than 60 days prior to the plan sponsor submitting an application to suspend benefits, the plan sponsor shall select a participant of the plan in pay status to act as a retiree representative. The retiree representative shall advocate for the interests of the retired and deferred vested participants and beneficiaries of the plan throughout the suspension approval process.
The plan shall provide for reasonable expenses by the retiree representative, including reasonable legal and actuarial support, commensurate with the plan’s size and funded status.
Duties performed pursuant to subclause (I) shall not be subject to section 1104(a) of this title. The preceding sentence shall not apply to those duties associated with an application to suspend benefits pursuant to subparagraph (G) that are performed by the retiree representative who is also a plan trustee.
The projected value of the total liabilities for benefit improvements for participants and beneficiaries not in pay status by the date of the first day of the plan year in which the benefit improvements are proposed to take effect, as determined as of such date, may not exceed the projected value of the liabilities arising from benefit improvements for participants and beneficiaries with benefit commencement dates prior to the first day of such plan year, as so determined.
The plan sponsor shall equitably distribute any increase in total liabilities for benefit improvements in clause (i) to some or all of the participants and beneficiaries whose benefit commencement date is before the date of the first day of the plan year in which the benefit improvements are proposed to take effect, taking into account the relevant factors described in subparagraph (D)(vi) and the extent to which the benefits of the participants and beneficiaries were suspended.
The plan sponsor may increase liabilities of the plan through a resumption of benefits for participants and beneficiaries in pay status only if the plan sponsor equitably distributes the value of resumed benefits to some or all of the participants and beneficiaries in pay status, taking into account the relevant factors described in subparagraph (D)(vi).
Except for resumptions of suspended benefits described in clause (iii), the limitations on benefit improvements while a suspension of benefits is in effect under this paragraph shall be in addition to any other applicable limitations on increases in benefits imposed on a plan.
For purposes of this subparagraph, the term “benefit improvement” means, with respect to a plan, a resumption of suspended benefits, an increase in benefits, an increase in the rate at which benefits accrue, or an increase in the rate at which benefits become nonforfeitable under the plan.
Any notice provided under clause (i) shall fulfill the requirement for notice of a significant reduction in benefits described in section 1054(h) of this title.
The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, shall in the guidance prescribed under clause (iii)(I) establish a model notice that a plan sponsor may use to meet the requirements of this subparagraph.
The plan sponsor of a plan in critical and declining status for a plan year that seeks to suspend benefits must submit an application to the Secretary of the Treasury for approval of the suspensions of benefits. If the plan sponsor submits an application for approval of the suspensions, the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, shall approve the application upon finding that the plan is eligible for the suspensions and has satisfied the criteria of subparagraphs (C), (D), (E), and (F).
Not later than 30 days after receipt of the application under clause (i), the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, shall publish a notice in the Federal Register soliciting comments from contributing employers, employee organizations, and participants and beneficiaries of the plan for which an application was made and other interested parties. The application for approval of the suspension of benefits shall be published on the website of the Secretary of the Treasury.
The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, shall approve or deny any application for suspensions of benefits under this paragraph within 225 days after the submission of such application. An application for suspension of benefits shall be deemed approved unless, within such 225 days, the Secretary of the Treasury notifies the plan sponsor that it has failed to satisfy one or more of the criteria described in this paragraph. If the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, rejects a plan sponsor’s application, the Secretary of the Treasury shall provide notice to the plan sponsor detailing the specific reasons for the rejection, including reference to the specific requirement not satisfied. Approval or denial by the Secretary of the Treasury of an application shall be treated as a final agency action for purposes of section 704 of title 5.
In evaluating whether the plan sponsor has met the criteria specified in clause (ii) of subparagraph (C), the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, shall review the plan sponsor’s consideration of factors under such clause.
In evaluating the plan sponsor’s application, the Secretary of the Treasury shall accept the plan sponsor’s determinations unless it concludes, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, that the plan sponsor’s determinations were clearly erroneous.
No suspension of benefits may take effect pursuant to this paragraph prior to a vote of the participants of the plan with respect to the suspension.
Not later than 30 days after approval of the suspension by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, under subparagraph (G), the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, shall administer a vote of participants and beneficiaries of the plan. Except as provided in clause (v), the suspension shall go into effect following the vote unless a majority of all participants and beneficiaries of the plan vote to reject the suspension. The plan sponsor may submit a new suspension application to the Secretary of the Treasury for approval in any case in which a suspension is prohibited from taking effect pursuant to a vote under this subparagraph.
It is the sense of Congress that, depending on the size and resources of the plan and geographic distribution of the plan’s participants, the plan sponsor should take such steps as may be necessary to inform participants about proposed benefit suspensions through in-person meetings, telephone or internet-based communications, mailed information, or by other means.
Not later than 30 days after a determination by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, that the plan is systemically important, the Participant and Plan Sponsor Advocate selected under section 1304 of this title may submit recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the suspension or any revisions to the suspension.
For purposes of this subparagraph, a systemically important plan is a plan with respect to which the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation projects the present value of projected financial assistance payments exceeds $1,000,000,000 if suspensions are not implemented.
For calendar years beginning after 2015, there shall be substituted for the dollar amount specified in item (aa) an amount equal to the product of such dollar amount and a fraction, the numerator of which is the contribution and benefit base (determined under section 430 of title 42) for the preceding calendar year and the denominator of which is such contribution and benefit base for calendar year 2014. If the amount otherwise determined under this item is not a multiple of $1,000,000, such amount shall be rounded to the next lowest multiple of $1,000,000.
In any case in which a suspension goes into effect following a vote pursuant to clause (ii) (or following a determination under clause (v) that the plan is a systemically important plan), the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, shall issue a final authorization to suspend with respect to the suspension not later than 7 days after such vote (or, in the case of a suspension that goes into effect under clause (v), at a time sufficient to allow the implementation of the suspension prior to the end of the 90-day period described in clause (v)(I)).
An action by the plan sponsor challenging the denial of an application for suspension of benefits by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, may only be brought following such denial.
An action challenging a suspension of benefits under this paragraph may only be brought following a final authorization to suspend by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Secretary of Labor, under subparagraph (H)(vi).
A court shall review an action challenging a suspension of benefits under this paragraph in accordance with section 706 of title 5.
A court reviewing an action challenging a suspension of benefits under this paragraph may not grant a temporary injunction with respect to such suspension unless the court finds a clear and convincing likelihood that the plaintiff will prevail on the merits of the case.
A participant or beneficiary affected by a benefit suspension under this paragraph shall not have a cause of action under this subchapter.
No action challenging a suspension of benefits following the final authorization to suspend or the denial of an application for suspension of benefits pursuant to this paragraph may be brought after one year after the earliest date on which the plaintiff acquired or should have acquired actual knowledge of the existence of such cause of action.
A plan may not be amended after the date of the adoption of a rehabilitation plan under subsection (e) so as to be inconsistent with the rehabilitation plan.
A plan may not be amended after the date of the adoption of a rehabilitation plan under subsection (e) so as to increase benefits, including future benefit accruals, unless the plan actuary certifies that such increase is paid for out of additional contributions not contemplated by the rehabilitation plan, and, after taking into account the benefit increase, the multiemployer plan still is reasonably expected to emerge from critical status by the end of the rehabilitation period on the schedule contemplated in the rehabilitation plan.
Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to a benefit which under section 1053(e) of this title may be immediately distributed without the consent of the participant or to any makeup payment in the case of a retroactive annuity starting date or any similar payment of benefits owed with respect to a prior period.
Any benefit reductions under subsection (e)(8) or (f) or benefit reductions or suspensions while in critical and declining status under subsection (e)(9)),7
Any surcharges under subsection (e)(7) shall be disregarded in determining the allocation of unfunded vested benefits to an employer under section 1391 of this title and in determining the highest contribution rate under section 1399(c) of this title, except for purposes of determining the unfunded vested benefits attributable to an employer under section 1391(c)(4) of this title or a comparable method approved under section 1391(c)(5) of this title.
Any increase in the contribution rate (or other increase in contribution requirements unless due to increased levels of work, employment, or periods for which compensation is provided) that is required or made in order to enable the plan to meet the requirement of the funding improvement plan or rehabilitation plan shall be disregarded in determining the allocation of unfunded vested benefits to an employer under section 1391 of this title and in determining the highest contribution rate under section 1399(c) of this title, except for purposes of determining the unfunded vested benefits attributable to an employer under section 1391(c)(4) of this title or a comparable method approved under section 1391(c)(5) of this title.
For purposes of this paragraph, any increase in the contribution rate (or other increase in contribution requirements) shall be deemed to be required or made in order to enable the plan to meet the requirement of the funding improvement plan or rehabilitation plan except for increases in contribution requirements due to increased levels of work, employment, or periods for which compensation is provided or additional contributions are used to provide an increase in benefits, including an increase in future benefit accruals, permitted by subsection (d)(1)(B) or (f)(1)(B).
In the case of increases in the contribution rate (or other increases in contribution requirements unless due to increased levels of work, employment, or periods for which compensation is provided) disregarded pursuant to paragraph (3), this subsection shall cease to apply as of the expiration date of the collective bargaining agreement in effect when the plan emerges from endangered or critical status. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, once the plan emerges from critical or endangered status, increases in the contribution rate disregarded pursuant to paragraph (3) shall continue to be disregarded in determining the highest contribution rate under section 1399(c) of this title for plan years during which the plan was in endangered or critical status.
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation shall prescribe simplified methods for the application of this subsection in determining withdrawal liability and payment amounts under section 1399(c) of this title.
If, within 60 days of the due date for adoption of a funding improvement plan under subsection (c) or a rehabilitation plan under subsection (e), the plan sponsor of a plan in endangered status or a plan in critical status has not agreed on a funding improvement plan or rehabilitation plan, then any member of the board or group that constitutes the plan sponsor may require that the plan sponsor enter into an expedited dispute resolution procedure for the development and adoption of a funding improvement plan or rehabilitation plan.
In the case of an employer that contributes to a multiemployer plan with respect to both employees who are covered by one or more collective bargaining agreements and employees who are not so covered, if the plan is in endangered status or in critical status, benefits of and contributions for the nonbargained employees, including surcharges on those contributions, shall be determined as if those nonbargained employees were covered under the first to expire of the employer’s collective bargaining agreements in effect when the plan entered endangered or critical status.
In the case of an employer that contributes to a multiemployer plan only with respect to employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement, this section shall be applied as if the employer were the bargaining party, and its participation agreement with the plan were a collective bargaining agreement with a term ending on the first day of the plan year beginning after the employer is provided the schedule or schedules described in subsections (c) and (e).
The term “accumulated funding deficiency” has the meaning given such term in section 1084(a) of this title.
The term “active participant” means, in connection with a multiemployer plan, a participant who is in covered service under the plan.
The term “obligation to contribute” has the meaning given such term under section 1392(a) of this title.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the actuary’s determinations with respect to a plan’s normal cost, actuarial accrued liability, and improvements in a plan’s funded percentage under this section shall be based upon the unit credit funding method (whether or not that method is used for the plan’s actuarial valuation).
In the case of a plan described under section 404(c) of title 26, or a continuation of such a plan, the term “plan sponsor” means the bargaining parties described under paragraph (1).
The term “benefit commencement date” means the annuity starting date (or in the case of a retroactive annuity starting date, the date on which benefit payments begin).