United States Code
USC most recently checked for updates: Feb 06, 2025
The term “inpatient psychiatric hospital services” means inpatient hospital services furnished to an inpatient of a psychiatric hospital.
The term “supplier” means, unless the context otherwise requires, a physician or other practitioner, a facility, or other entity (other than a provider of services) that furnishes items or services under this subchapter.
The term “outpatient occupational therapy services” has the meaning given the term “outpatient physical therapy services” in subsection (p), except that “occupational” shall be substituted for “physical” each place it appears therein.
The term “post-hospital extended care services” means extended care services furnished an individual after transfer from a hospital in which he was an inpatient for not less than 3 consecutive days before his discharge from the hospital in connection with such transfer. For purposes of the preceding sentence, items and services shall be deemed to have been furnished to an individual after transfer from a hospital, and he shall be deemed to have been an inpatient in the hospital immediately before transfer therefrom, if he is admitted to the skilled nursing facility (A) within 30 days after discharge from such hospital, or (B) within such time as it would be medically appropriate to begin an active course of treatment, in the case of an individual whose condition is such that skilled nursing facility care would not be medically appropriate within 30 days after discharge from a hospital; and an individual shall be deemed not to have been discharged from a skilled nursing facility if, within 30 days after discharge therefrom, he is admitted to such facility or any other skilled nursing facility.
The term “skilled nursing facility” has the meaning given such term in section 1395i–3(a) of this title.
The term “durable medical equipment” includes iron lungs, oxygen tents, hospital beds, and wheelchairs (which may include a power-operated vehicle that may be appropriately used as a wheelchair, but only where the use of such a vehicle is determined to be necessary on the basis of the individual’s medical and physical condition and the vehicle meets such safety requirements as the Secretary may prescribe) used in the patient’s home (including an institution used as his home other than an institution that meets the requirements of subsection (e)(1) of this section or section 1395i–3(a)(1) of this title), whether furnished on a rental basis or purchased, and includes blood-testing strips and blood glucose monitors for individuals with diabetes without regard to whether the individual has Type I or Type II diabetes or to the individual’s use of insulin (as determined under standards established by the Secretary in consultation with the appropriate organizations) and eye tracking and gaze interaction accessories for speech generating devices furnished to individuals with a demonstrated medical need for such accessories; except that such term does not include such equipment furnished by a supplier who has used, for the demonstration and use of specific equipment, an individual who has not met such minimum training standards as the Secretary may establish with respect to the demonstration and use of such specific equipment. With respect to a seat-lift chair, such term includes only the seat-lift mechanism and does not include the chair.
The term “physicians’ services” means professional services performed by physicians, including surgery, consultation, and home, office, and institutional calls (but not including services described in subsection (b)(6)).
The term “physician”, when used in connection with the performance of any function or action, means (1) a doctor of medicine or osteopathy legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery by the State in which he performs such function or action (including a physician within the meaning of section 1301(a)(7) of this title), (2) a doctor of dental surgery or of dental medicine who is legally authorized to practice dentistry by the State in which he performs such function and who is acting within the scope of his license when he performs such functions, (3) a doctor of podiatric medicine for the purposes of subsections (k), (m), (p)(1), and (s) of this section and sections 1395f(a), 1395k(a)(2)(F)(ii), and 1395n of this title but only with respect to functions which he is legally authorized to perform as such by the State in which he performs them, (4) a doctor of optometry, but only for purposes of subsection (p)(1) and with respect to the provision of items or services described in subsection (s) which he is legally authorized to perform as a doctor of optometry by the State in which he performs them, or (5) a chiropractor who is licensed as such by the State (or in a State which does not license chiropractors as such, is legally authorized to perform the services of a chiropractor in the jurisdiction in which he performs such services), and who meets uniform minimum standards promulgated by the Secretary, but only for the purpose of subsections (s)(1) and (s)(2)(A) and only with respect to treatment by means of manual manipulation of the spine (to correct a subluxation) which he is legally authorized to perform by the State or jurisdiction in which such treatment is provided. For the purposes of section 1395y(a)(4) of this title and subject to the limitations and conditions provided in the previous sentence, such term includes a doctor of one of the arts, specified in such previous sentence, legally authorized to practice such art in the country in which the inpatient hospital services (referred to in such section 1395y(a)(4) of this title) are furnished.
The term “provider of services” means a hospital, critical access hospital, rural emergency hospital, skilled nursing facility, comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility, home health agency, hospice program, or, for purposes of section 1395f(g) and section 1395n(e) of this title, a fund.
The terms “State” and “United States” have the meaning given to them by subsections (h) and (i), respectively, of section 410 of this title.
The term “qualified psychologist services” means such services and such services and supplies furnished as an incident to his service furnished by a clinical psychologist (as defined by the Secretary) which the psychologist is legally authorized to perform under State law (or the State regulatory mechanism provided by State law) as would otherwise be covered if furnished by a physician or as an incident to a physician’s service.
The term “screening mammography” means a radiologic procedure provided to a woman for the purpose of early detection of breast cancer and includes a physician’s interpretation of the results of the procedure.
The term “screening for glaucoma” means a dilated eye examination with an intraocular pressure measurement, and a direct ophthalmoscopy or a slit-lamp biomicroscopic examination for the early detection of glaucoma which is furnished by or under the direct supervision of an optometrist or ophthalmologist who is legally authorized to furnish such services under State law (or the State regulatory mechanism provided by State law) of the State in which the services are furnished, as would otherwise be covered if furnished by a physician or as an incident to a physician’s professional service, if the individual involved has not had such an examination in the preceding year.
The term “intravenous immune globulin” means an approved pooled plasma derivative for the treatment in the patient’s home of a patient with a diagnosed primary immune deficiency disease, but not including items or services furnished before
The Secretary shall establish quality measurement reporting requirements for rural emergency hospitals, which may include the use of a small number of claims-based outcomes measures or surveys of patients with respect to their experience in the rural emergency hospital, in accordance with the succeeding provisions of this paragraph.
With respect to each year beginning with 2023, (or each year beginning on or after the date that is one year after one or more measures are first specified under subparagraph (C)), a rural emergency hospital shall submit data to the Secretary in accordance with clause (ii).
With respect to each such year, a rural emergency hospital shall submit to the Secretary data on quality measures specified under subparagraph (C). Such data shall be submitted in a form and manner, and at a time, specified by the Secretary for purposes of this subparagraph.
Subject to clause (ii), any measure specified by the Secretary under this subparagraph must have been endorsed by the entity with a contract under section 1395aaa(a) of this title.
In the case of a specified area or medical topic determined appropriate by the Secretary for which a feasible and practical measure has not been endorsed by the entity with a contract under section 1395aaa(a) of this title, the Secretary may specify a measure that is not so endorsed as long as due consideration is given to measures that have been endorsed or adopted by a consensus organization identified by the Secretary.
The Secretary shall, in the selection of measures specified under this subparagraph, take into consideration ways to account for rural emergency hospitals that lack sufficient case volume to ensure that the performance rates for such measures are reliable.
The Secretary shall establish procedures for making data submitted under subparagraph (B) available to the public regarding the performance of individual rural emergency hospitals. Such procedures shall ensure that a rural emergency hospital has the opportunity to review, and submit corrections for, the data that is to be made public with respect to the rural emergency hospital prior to such data being made public. Such information shall be posted on the Internet website of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in an easily understandable format as determined appropriate by the Secretary.
Nothing in this subsection, section 1395l(a)(10) of this title, or section 1395m(x) of this title shall affect the application of paragraph (1)(B)(v) of section 1395l(t) of this title, relating to applicable items and services (as defined in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (21) of such section) that are furnished by an off-campus outpatient department of a provider (as defined in subparagraph (B) of such paragraph).
The term “marriage and family therapist services” means services furnished by a marriage and family therapist (as defined in paragraph (2)) for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses (other than services furnished to an inpatient of a hospital), which the marriage and family therapist is legally authorized to perform under State law (or the State regulatory mechanism provided by State law) of the State in which such services are furnished, as would otherwise be covered if furnished by a physician or as an incident to a physician’s professional service.
The term “mental health counselor services” means services furnished by a mental health counselor (as defined in paragraph (4)) for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses (other than services furnished to an inpatient of a hospital), which the mental health counselor is legally authorized to perform under State law (or the State regulatory mechanism provided by the State law) of the State in which such services are furnished, as would otherwise be covered if furnished by a physician or as incident to a physician’s professional service.