United States Code
USC most recently checked for updates: Sep 20, 2024
The Secretary shall establish and implement, after consultation with grantees, subgrantees, and host agencies under this subchapter, States, older individuals, area agencies on aging, and other organizations serving older individuals, core measures of performance for each grantee for projects and services carried out under this subchapter. The core measures of performance shall be applicable to each grantee under this subchapter without regard to whether such grantee operates the program directly or through subcontracts, subgrants, or agreements with other entities.
The core measures of performance established by the Secretary in accordance with paragraph (1) shall consist of core indicators of performance specified in subsection (b)(1) and the expected levels of performance applicable to each core indicator of performance.
The Secretary and each grantee shall reach agreement on the expected levels of performance for each program year for each of the core indicators of performance specified in subparagraph (A). Funds may not be awarded under the grant until such agreement is reached. At the conclusion of negotiations concerning the levels with all grantees, the Secretary shall make available for public review the final negotiated expected levels of performance for each grantee, including any comments submitted by the grantee regarding the grantee’s satisfaction with the negotiated levels.
Each grantee shall reach agreement with the Secretary on levels of performance for each measure described in subparagraph (A)(i),1
Each grantee shall reach agreement with the Secretary, prior to the third program year covered by the grant agreement, on levels of performance for each measure described in subparagraph (A), for each of the third and fourth program years so covered. In reaching the agreement, the grantee and the Secretary shall take into account the expected levels proposed by the grantee and the factors described in subparagraph (D). The levels agreed to shall be considered to be the expected levels of performance for the grantee for such program years.
The Secretary shall, in accordance with the objective statistical model developed pursuant to subparagraph (D)(ii), adjust the expected levels of performance for a program year for grantees, to reflect the actual economic conditions and characteristics of participants in the corresponding projects during such program year.
An agreement to be evaluated on the core measures of performance shall be a requirement for application for, and a condition of, all grants authorized by this subchapter.
The Secretary, after consultation with national and State grantees, representatives of business and labor organizations, and providers of services, shall, by regulation, issue definitions of the indicators of performance described in paragraph (1).
The Secretary shall annually evaluate, and publish and make available for public review information on, the actual performance of each grantee with respect to the levels achieved for each of the core indicators of performance, compared to the expected levels of performance established under subsection (a)(2)(B) (including any adjustments to such levels made in accordance with subsection (a)(2)(E)).
As soon as practicable after
If the Secretary determines that the grantee, for program year 2016, failed to meet the expected levels of performance described in subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall provide technical assistance to assist the grantee to meet the expected levels of performance.
Not later than 120 days after the end of each program year, the Secretary shall determine if a national grantee awarded a grant under section 3056(b) of this title in accordance with section 3056l of this title has met the expected levels of performance established under subsection (a)(2)(B) (including any adjustments to such levels made in accordance with subsection (a)(2)(E)) for the core indicators of performance described in subsection (b)(1).
If the Secretary determines that a national grantee fails to meet the expected levels of performance described in subparagraph (A), the Secretary after each year of such failure, shall provide technical assistance and require such grantee to submit a corrective action plan not later than 160 days after the end of the program year.
The plan submitted under clause (i) shall detail the steps the grantee will take to meet the expected levels of performance in the next program year.
Any grantee who has failed to meet the expected levels of performance for 4 consecutive years shall not be allowed to compete in the subsequent grant competition under section 3056l of this title following the fourth consecutive year of failure but may compete in the next such grant competition after that subsequent competition.
For purposes of assessing grantee performance under this subparagraph before program year 2017, the Secretary shall use the core indicators of performance in effect at the time of the award and the most recent corresponding expected levels of performance.
Not later than 120 days after the end of each program year, the Secretary shall determine if a State grantee allotted funds under section 3056d(e) of this title has met the expected levels of performance established under subsection (a)(2)(B) (including any adjustments to such levels made in accordance with subsection (a)(2)(E)) for the core indicators of performance described in subsection (b)(1).
If the Secretary determines that a State fails to meet the expected levels of performance described in subparagraph (A), the Secretary, after each year of such failure, shall provide technical assistance and require the State to submit a corrective action plan not later than 160 days after the end of the program year.
The plan submitted under clause (i) shall detail the steps the State will take to meet the expected levels of performance in the next program year.
If the Secretary determines that the State fails to meet the expected levels of performance described in subparagraph (A) for 3 consecutive program years, the Secretary shall provide for the conduct by the State of a competition to award the funds allotted to the State under section 3056d(e) of this title for the first full program year following the Secretary’s determination.
The Secretary shall implement the core measures of performance described in this section not later than
Effective on