United States Code
USC most recently checked for updates: Sep 20, 2024
The area has a per capita income of 80 percent or less of the national average.
The area has an unemployment rate that is, for the most recent 24-month period for which data are available, at least 1 percent greater than the national average unemployment rate.
The area is an area that the Secretary determines has experienced or is about to experience a special need arising from actual or threatened severe unemployment or economic adjustment problems resulting from severe short-term or long-term changes in economic conditions.
An area that meets 1 or more of the criteria of subsection (a), including a small area of poverty or high unemployment within a larger community in less economic distress, shall be eligible for assistance under section 3141 or 3149 of this title without regard to political or other subdivisions or boundaries.
A determination of eligibility under subsection (a) shall be supported by the most recent Federal data available (including data available from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, or any other Federal source determined by the Secretary to be appropriate), or, if no recent Federal data is available, by the most recent data available through the government of the State in which the area is located.
The documentation shall be accepted by the Secretary unless the Secretary determines that the documentation is inaccurate.
Any designation of a redevelopment area made before the effective date of the Economic Development Administration Reform Act of 1998 shall not be effective after that effective date.