United States Code
USC most recently checked for updates: Jan 22, 2025
After the submission of an OMB sequestration update report under section 904 of this title that envisions a sequestration under section 902 or 903 of this title, each standing committee of the Senate may, not later than October 10, submit to the Committee on the Budget of the Senate information of the type described in section 632(d) of this title with respect to alternatives to the order envisioned by such report insofar as such order affects laws within the jurisdiction of the committee.
After the submission of such a report, the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may, not later than October 15, report to the Senate a resolution. The resolution may affirm the impact of the order envisioned by such report, in whole or in part. To the extent that any part is not affirmed, the resolution shall state which parts are not affirmed and shall contain instructions to committees of the Senate of the type referred to in section 641(a) of this title, sufficient to achieve at least the total level of deficit reduction contained in those sections which are not affirmed.
Committees instructed pursuant to paragraph (2), or affected thereby, shall submit their responses to the Budget Committee no later than 10 days after the resolution referred to in paragraph (2) is agreed to, except that if only one such Committee is so instructed such Committee shall, by the same date, report to the Senate a reconciliation bill or reconciliation resolution containing its recommendations in response to such instructions. A committee shall be considered to have complied with all instructions to it pursuant to a resolution adopted under paragraph (2) if it has made recommendations with respect to matters within its jurisdiction which would result in a reduction in the deficit at least equal to the total reduction directed by such instructions.
Upon receipt of the recommendations received in response to a resolution referred to in paragraph (2), the Budget Committee shall report to the Senate a reconciliation bill or reconciliation resolution, or both, carrying out all such recommendations without any substantive revisions. In the event that a committee instructed in a resolution referred to in paragraph (2) fails to submit any recommendation (or, when only one committee is instructed, fails to report a reconciliation bill or resolution) in response to such instructions, the Budget Committee shall include in the reconciliation bill or reconciliation resolution reported pursuant to this subparagraph legislative language within the jurisdiction of the noncomplying committee to achieve the amount of deficit reduction directed in such instructions.
In the Senate, an amendment which adds to a resolution reported under paragraph (2) an instruction of the type referred to in such paragraph shall be in order during the consideration of such resolution if such amendment would be in order but for the fact that it would be held to be non-germane on the basis that the instruction constitutes new matter.
For purposes of paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), the term “day” shall mean any calendar day on which the Senate is in session.
Debate in the Senate on any resolution reported pursuant to subsection (a)(2), and all amendments thereto and debatable motions and appeals in connection therewith, shall be limited to 10 hours.
Section 641(d)(2) of this title shall apply to reconciliation bills and reconciliation resolutions reported under this subsection.
Any bill or resolution received in the Senate from the House, which is a companion to a reconciliation bill or reconciliation resolution of the Senate for the purposes of this subsection, shall be considered in the Senate pursuant to the provisions of this subsection.
For purposes of this subsection, the term “resolution” means a simple, joint, or concurrent resolution.