United States Code
USC most recently checked for updates: Feb 13, 2025
It shall be unlawful for any person to act as a security-based swap dealer unless the person is registered as a security-based swap dealer with the Commission.
It shall be unlawful for any person to act as a major security-based swap participant unless the person is registered as a major security-based swap participant with the Commission.
A person shall register as a security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant by filing a registration application with the Commission.
The application shall be made in such form and manner as prescribed by the Commission, and shall contain such information, as the Commission considers necessary concerning the business in which the applicant is or will be engaged.
A person that is registered as a security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant shall continue to submit to the Commission reports that contain such information pertaining to the business of the person as the Commission may require.
Each registration under this section shall expire at such time as the Commission may prescribe by rule or regulation.
Except as provided in subsections (d) and (e), the Commission may prescribe rules applicable to security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants, including rules that limit the activities of non-bank security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants.
Not later than 1 year after
Except to the extent otherwise specifically provided by rule, regulation, or order of the Commission, it shall be unlawful for a security-based swap dealer or a major security-based swap participant to permit any person associated with a security-based swap dealer or a major security-based swap participant who is subject to a statutory disqualification to effect or be involved in effecting security-based swaps on behalf of the security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant, if the security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant knew, or in the exercise of reasonable care should have known, of the statutory disqualification.
Any person that is required to be registered as a security-based swap dealer under this section shall register with the Commission, regardless of whether the person also is registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as a swap dealer.
Any person that is required to be registered as a major security-based swap participant under this section shall register with the Commission, regardless of whether the person also is registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as a major swap participant.
The Commission shall adopt rules for persons that are registered as security-based swap dealers or major security-based swap participants under this section.
The Commission may not prescribe rules imposing prudential requirements on security-based swap dealers or major security-based swap participants for which there is a prudential regulator.
Subparagraph (A) does not limit the authority of the Commission to prescribe rules as directed under this section.
Each registered security-based swap dealer and major security-based swap participant for which there is not a prudential regulator shall meet such minimum capital requirements and minimum initial and variation margin requirements as the prudential regulator shall by rule or regulation prescribe under paragraph (2)(A).
Each registered security-based swap dealer and major security-based swap participant for which there is not a prudential regulator shall meet such minimum capital requirements and minimum initial and variation margin requirements as the Commission shall by rule or regulation prescribe under paragraph (2)(B).
In setting capital requirements for a person that is designated as a security-based swap dealer or a major security-based swap participant for a single type or single class or category of security-based swap or activities, the prudential regulator and the Commission shall take into account the risks associated with other types of security-based swaps or classes of security-based swaps or categories of security-based swaps engaged in and the other activities conducted by that person that are not otherwise subject to regulation applicable to that person by virtue of the status of the person.
A futures commission merchant, introducing broker, broker, or dealer shall maintain sufficient capital to comply with the stricter of any applicable capital requirements to which such futures commission merchant, introducing broker, broker, or dealer is subject to under this chapter or the Commodity Exchange Act [7 U.S.C. 1 et seq.].
The prudential regulators, the Commission, and the Securities and Exchange Commission shall periodically (but not less frequently than annually) consult on minimum capital requirements and minimum initial and variation margin requirements.
The requirements of paragraphs (2)(A)(ii) and (2)(B)(ii) shall not apply to a security-based swap in which a counterparty qualifies for an exception under section 78c–3(g)(1) of this title or satisfies the criteria in section 78c–3(g)(4) of this title.
The Commission shall adopt rules governing reporting and recordkeeping for security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants.
Each registered security-based swap dealer and major security-based swap participant shall maintain daily trading records of the security-based swaps of the registered security-based swap dealer and major security-based swap participant and all related records (including related cash or forward transactions) and recorded communications, including electronic mail, instant messages, and recordings of telephone calls, for such period as may be required by the Commission by rule or regulation.
The daily trading records shall include such information as the Commission shall require by rule or regulation.
Each registered security-based swap dealer and major security-based swap participant shall maintain daily trading records for each counterparty in a manner and form that is identifiable with each security-based swap transaction.
Each registered security-based swap dealer and major security-based swap participant shall maintain a complete audit trail for conducting comprehensive and accurate trade reconstructions.
The Commission shall adopt rules governing daily trading records for security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants.
A security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant that acts as an advisor to 1
A security-based swap dealer that enters into or offers to enter into 1 security-based swap with a special entity shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (5) with respect to such special entity.
Any security-based swap dealer that acts as an advisor to a special entity shall have a duty to act in the best interests of the special entity.
The Commission may establish such other standards and requirements under this paragraph as the Commission may determine are appropriate in the public interest, for the protection of investors, or otherwise in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter.
The Commission shall prescribe rules under this subsection governing business conduct standards for security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants.
Each registered security-based swap dealer and major security-based swap participant shall conform with such standards as may be prescribed by the Commission, by rule or regulation, that relate to timely and accurate confirmation, processing, netting, documentation, and valuation of all security-based swaps.
The Commission shall adopt rules governing documentation standards for security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants.
The security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant shall monitor its trading in security-based swaps to prevent violations of applicable position limits.
The security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant shall establish robust and professional risk management systems adequate for managing the day-to-day business of the security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant.
The Commission shall prescribe rules under this subsection governing duties of security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants.
Each security-based swap dealer and major security-based swap participant shall designate an individual to serve as a chief compliance officer.
Except as provided in subparagraph (B), (C), or (D), the Commission shall have primary authority to enforce subtitle B, and the amendments made by subtitle B of the Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010, with respect to any person.
The prudential regulators shall have exclusive authority to enforce the provisions of subsection (e) and other prudential requirements of this chapter (including risk management standards), with respect to security-based swap dealers or major security-based swap participants for which they are the prudential regulator.
If the appropriate Federal banking agency for security-based swap dealers or major security-based swap participants that are depository institutions has cause to believe that such security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant may have engaged in conduct that constitutes a violation of the nonprudential requirements of this section or rules adopted by the Commission thereunder, the agency may recommend in writing to the Commission that the Commission initiate an enforcement proceeding as authorized under this chapter. The recommendation shall be accompanied by a written explanation of the concerns giving rise to the recommendation.
If the Commission has cause to believe that a securities-based swap dealer or major securities-based swap participant that has a prudential regulator may have engaged in conduct that constitute 3
If the Commission does not initiate an enforcement proceeding before the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date on which the Commission receives a written report under subsection 4
If the prudential regulator does not initiate an enforcement proceeding before the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date on which the prudential regulator receives a written report under subsection 4 (C)(ii), the Commission may initiate an enforcement proceeding.