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U.S. Code of Federal Regulations
Regulations most recently checked for updates: Feb 19, 2025
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Title 47
Chapter I
Part 1
Subpart I - Subpart I—Procedures Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
§ 1.1301 - Basis and purpose.
§ 1.1302 - Cross-reference; Regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality.
§ 1.1303 - Scope.
§ 1.1304 - Information, assistance, and waiver of electronic filing and service requirements.
§ 1.1305 - Actions which normally will have a significant impact upon the environment, for which Environmental Impact Statements must be prepared.
§ 1.1306 - Actions which are categorically excluded from environmental processing.
§ 1.1307 - Actions that may have a significant environmental effect, for which Environmental Assessments (EAs) must be prepared.
§ 1.1308 - Consideration of environmental assessments (EAs); findings of no significant impact.
§ 1.1309 - Application amendments.
§ 1.1310 - Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.
§ 1.1311 - Environmental information to be included in the environmental assessment (EA).
§ 1.1312 - Facilities for which no preconstruction authorization is required.
§ 1.1313 - Objections.
§ 1.1314 - Environmental impact statements (EISs).
§ 1.1315 - The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS); Comments.
§ 1.1317 - The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).
§ 1.1319 - Consideration of the environmental impact statements.
§ 1.1320 - Review of Commission undertakings that may affect historic properties.
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